Sunday, June 01, 2008



Today Corey and I went to my classroom to get it ready for my summer school kiddos. We drove through and got lunch and took it into my room. I put down my purse and everything else in my hands. He went out to unload some stuff from my car and I (being the good natured helper that I am) followed him out the door. CRAP.

The door locked behind me. So there we were. Staring into my classroom looking at the keys on my desk. CRAP.

Luckily, he had his cell phone and his car keys in his pocket, so we were eventually able to locate a fellow teacher who came and let us in the building. BUT, I still couldn't get in my classroom. CRAP.

We trolled through the school (thank GOD the alarm wasn't on) and looked in the janitor's office for keys. We found some, but unfortunately, they didn't work. CRAP.

I ended up having to call my assistant principal and he came over and let us in. WHEW.

I owe him big time!

So after that, we were able to FINALLY eat our cold lunch and finish up the work we had come to do.

Yeah. I'll be getting several copies of that key made tomorrow...

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