1.) I've been going to Water Aerobics at the YMCA on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I LOVE it!! And if you know me, you KNOW that I HATE to exercise with a passion - mostly because I HATE to sweat! However, water aerobics kicks ass because you still get a work out, but it's comfortable and you don't sweat to death. Also, I have issues with getting ready to go get dirty and then having to get clean again. I have been going to the 6-7 class, so I just come home and get ready for bed. And I am SOOOO ready for bed when I get home. I wear myself out! Also, if anybody wants to come with me, you are welcome! June is bring a friend month. I'm only 2 more friends away from a FREE YMCA water bottle!! Ha! Joanne went with me and we had a super time!
2.) I went home to visit my parents for what we refer to as the "triple threat" i.e. their anniversary, my dad's birthday, and Father's Day, which all take place during the same week. Talk about a lot going on! Anyway, I went home to visit for a few days and had a great time. My mom and I went to the movies to see What Happens In Vegas. It was cute. Predictable, but cute. We also went shopping and I purchased a cute Tommy Hilfiger swingpack to take with me when we go to DollyWood later this summer. Sorry, but I'm not dragging the Coach bag on a water ride! Hell no!
I also went over to my grandpa's house to pick some cherries and apples from his trees. He has a small orchard on his property next to his GIANT garden. I took some pictures because I thought the fruit was pretty hanging from its branches. I can't wait until the squash is ready so I can "fry up a mess!"
3.) I have been super busy with teaching summer school. Monday through Friday I have been at school from 7:15 until 11:30 or later trying to come up with activities that will enrich and extend what these kids already know. God, I'm so ready for it to be over! I'm so jealous of all my other teacher friends who have been enjoying their summer for almost a month now! I only have 4 more days left...I can do this!
Hopefully, the custodians will wax my room immediately after summer school is over so I can get back in and set it up again. Of course, I will end up spending the rest of my summer at school, but I enjoy getting organized and cleaned up. My room needs it!
4.) This is still school related, but I felt the need to give it a new number...
On the way to the cafeteria from my classroom, we pass through a breezeway. Well, during the summer, the birds seem to think they own the place and build TONS of nests. They really are more of a pest than they are cute, but this week the babies hatched and they really are adorable! I took a couple of "fuzzy" pictures because I didn't want to get too close and have the mamma bird get pissed and poke my eyes out! You've seen The Birds, right? That's some scary shit, Mr. Hitchcock...
5.) I've been watching lots of TV. I love me some reality television! I'm hooked on So You Think You Can Dance! Love me some Joshua! He's so sweet and versitile with his dancing.
Right now, we're watching The Next Food Network Star, which is ok, but not as exciting as last season's.
I'm really ready for the new Big Brother 10!!! It starts on the 13th and I'll be all over that!
I guess that's all I've been up to in the past few weeks. I'm ready to have more free time. Corey will be finished with his summer portion of his Master's program on Friday, so we'll be able to spend more time with each other. And by that I mean try not to kill each other :-)
Until next time...
You have been busy young lady!!
You have been tagged! visit my blog for the deets!
Busy Gal! Bout time we had a blog to read!
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